Spanish Lesson 4 ways to ask "How are you?" in SpanishSpanish words for what are you doing now include lo que estás haciendo ahora and qué estas haciendo ahora Find more Spanish words at wordhippocom!11/7/10 How do you answer if someone asks you, "¿Cómo estás?" or "How are you?"?

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What are you doing today in spanish
What are you doing today in spanish-Hello how are you doing over there today,?What are you doing today?

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= Cómo te va?, or Cómo va tu día = How is your day going?¡Me alegro que sea viernes!Let's help you learn some spanish today!!!
We just thought we would call you together and see how are you doing today Pensamos en llamarte juntos para ver cómo estás hoy Possibly inappropriate contentHere I teach you how to say "Where are you going?" in Spanish, and also "Where do you THINK you're going?Que estas haciendo It's a simple 3 word phrase simply asking someone what they are up toYou can learn spanish while you sleep Great wa
Other "how are you today"like options ¿Cómo te ha ido?Is the best way to ask "What are you doing today?" in SpanishPhrase 1 A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (eg skinny, grandma) (colloquial) (used to address one person) a ¿Cómo estás?

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4 Ways To Say How Are You In Spanish Wikihow